Junior Nationals 2018

Congratulations to all of the IMD athletes for an incredible week of racing at the 2018 USSA Junior National Championships in Soldier Hollow, Utah.  There are certainly a lot of stories to tell.  It was hot, the snow was fast, then slow, then wet, then just slush, the course crew made some interesting additions with some big rollers worthy of a true NordicX course, there were podiums, near misses, crashes, personal bests and much, much more.  Just ask any of the athletes.  

THANK YOU to the athletes of IMD for putting forth their best efforts and training year-round to make this week of racing one of their best weeks.  THANK YOU to the coaches of IMD for being course-side every race, waxing skis until the late hours of the evening, shuttling athletes to and from the hotel, and above all, for being there the entire year to help our athletes be the best skiers they can be.  THANK YOU to the parents for being indescribably supportive of the athletes and coaches, not enough can be said here.  And THANK YOU to the Soldier Hollow venue, course crew, volunteers, timers and everyone that helped make the event possible.  

What a week it was! 

Below is a tiny sample of the photos from the week out at the venue.